指 揮/Conductor:康 幼 琳 Katherine Lu
康女士出生於音樂世家,自幼在其父著名音樂家康謳教授的薰陶下,對音樂藝術產生濃厚興趣。先後師從著名聲樂家鄭心梅、申學庸及Mrs. Watson專攻美聲唱法十餘年,並完成加拿大皇家音樂學院高級聲樂考試。兩度赴北京中央音樂學院深造,在中國著名資深聲樂家郭淑珍指導下學習民謠之詮釋及唱法。亦曾隨女高音Anna Tamm Relyea女士專研數年英文及德文歌曲,與俄裔傑出鋼琴家Janina Kuzmas女士研習俄文歌曲。康幼琳是海外華人音樂藝術熱情倡導和傳播者,於1980年、1984年與夫婿盧定平先生及音樂愛好者組織溫哥華漢聲合唱團及遠道合唱團。自1997年任遠道合唱團指揮至今,以她對於音樂的一份熱愛與執著,帶領了一群中華兒女,勇向專業的合唱領域邁進。
Katherine, born in Taiwan, graduated from U.B.C. with B.Sc. major in chemistry. She first started voice lessons as a teenager in Taiwan. Later she studied and completed the Royal Conservatory curriculum under the guidance of Beth Watson in Vancouver. She has also practiced Russian songs with pianist Janina Kuzmas for three years and she has studied the techniques of singing English songs and German lieder with Soprano Anna Tamm-Relyea for many years. In the last few years, Katherine has been giving annual recitals regularly. She was twice in Beijing, China to study the interpretation and singing of Chinese folk songs. Katherine is one of the founders of the Vancouver Chinese Singers Society. She has been the conductor for the group since 1997. She is now teaching Mandarin full time at Burnaby North Secondary School.
伴 奏Accompanist:彭 憶 芬I-Fen Peng
畢業於國立臺灣師範大學音樂系,主修鋼琴演奏,師事葉綠娜老師,並副修小提琴、聲樂及南胡。 1987年赴奧地利參加莫札特音樂院暑期夏令營。其後追隨世界聞名鋼琴大師Earl Wild,取得美國俄亥俄州立大學音樂碩士學位。 1994年獲俄亥俄州辛辛那堤音樂學院全額獎學金,輔修鋼琴伴奏,於2000年取得鋼琴演奏博士學位。 2002年移居加拿大後,曾與鋼琴家鄒雅蓉演出雙鋼琴音樂會,並參與許常惠紀念音樂會、謝天吉與洛夫“因為風的緣故”音樂會和李天慧大提琴夏令音樂營之鋼琴演出。曾任職台北市莊敬高職、美國西雅圖 Pacific Northwest School of Music及台灣台南女子技術大學助理教授。目前為遠道合唱團鋼琴伴奏並致力於鋼琴演奏及教學。
Dr. Peng started to play piano at the age of four and later entered the National Normal University of Taiwan as the recipient of a national scholarship where she studied piano with Professor Li-Na Yeh. In 1994 she completed her Master of Music at Ohio State University where she studied piano with world renowned pianists Earl Wild and Dr. Rosemary Platt. Dr. Peng then received a full scholarship to pursue her doctoral studies at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music where her mentors included James Tocco, Eugene Pridonoff, Sandra Rivers and Kenneth Griffith. Additionally, Dr. Peng participated in master classes with Hans Leygraf, Menahem Pressler, and Ruth Laredo. Dr. Peng was broadcast live on WGUC Radio of Cincinnati on several occasions while a resident of Ohio.
In 2001 she was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor at the Tainan University of Arts and Technology. Dr. Peng relocated Vancouver British Columbia next year to establish a private academy. Dr. Peng has been an active teacher and performer during her Vancouver years. She has collaborated with choirs, professional instrumentalists, vocalists and fellow piano players in several venues including the Chan Centre, the Vancouver Playhouse and the Taiwanese Cultural Festival at the Plaza of Nations. Her students are routinely successful in local festivals have achieved performers levels as high as the ARCT and beyond.
伴 奏Accompanist:韓 善 齊 Betty Hon
韓善齊擁有卑詩大學音樂學士及碩士學位,並擁有 Royal School of Music 和Trinity College of Music, London 證書。 精準的技巧和她負責的態度使她成爲溫哥華地區享有優良口碑的一名專業鋼琴伴奏。
Ms. Betty Hon graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Music and a Master of Music degree major in performance. She also holds the diplomas from Royal School of Music and Trinity College of Music, London. She now devotes her time to piano accompaniment with choir, violinists, flutists and singers. She also teaches piano and theory and enjoys arranging music.